Successfully Complete a My LINC Course

Tags mylinc




University of Michigan Faculty and Staff or other guests who take training through My LINC may have trouble getting to the end and receiving a successful completion.  Follow these steps for best results.


NOTE: This document does not address access issues. It addresses trouble experienced while taking individual course modules.

  • Recommended Browser Information
    • All current browsers should work for My LINC training.  Here, they are listed in the order we recommend:
      • Apple Safari
      • Google Chrome
      • Mozilla Firefox
      • Internet Explorer
      • Microsoft Edge
    • Any of these are still subject to basic browser troubles
      • Caching of temporary files, corrupted cookies, or other can indicate false results
        • Courses may show as incomplete even though they are complete on the server
      • Turn off pop-up blockers to ensure proper opening of course windows and other content
    • Consider using an alternative browser to your first choice, if you experience unexpected behavior
  • Recommended Behavior for Best Results
    • Do not run other services concurrently with your training attempt
      • Multi-tasking during training is highly discouraged
    • Set aside time to do your training in one session, if at all possible
    • Avoid pressing the Back button in your browser while in My LINC or in the course modules themselves
    • View the training screens and complete the certification in one session
      • Doing each activity in different sessions can result in an "incomplete"
    • Click on all page components/Complete all activities on the page in order for it to register as fully complete
  • Recommended Final Step
    • Start at the beginning of the training and click Next through each panel until you have reached the Learning Activity Progress Detail page, which should list the course at 100% completion
      • This assumes that you have already read the intended content and completed any assessments.

Additional Information

My LINC trainings are located in and require a University of Michigan affiliation.

If you have completed the My LINC course, clicked through all the pages, and passed the quiz at the end and the course still shows as in progress, please close or x out of the course. This will register the course as complete.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.