ROHQ Usage Tracking Data for Hosts and Co-Hosts



 Remote Office Hours Queue (ROHQ)


Remote Office Hours Usage Data downloads


Remote Office Hours Usage Data downloads as a .csv file.

You can download individual queue history or download all queue history at once.

  1. select the desired queue  by clicking on the Download button under specific Queue History column.  
  2. The meeting_start_logs_hemashah_queue_####.csv (where #### is your queue number) file is downloaded on your computer
  3. You can open the file and save as .xls format or upload to Google drive and open in google sheet for further analysis by creating filter or pivot table in excel or google sheet.
  • To download the history of all queues where you are the host or co-host, click the "Download All Queue History" button at the bottom by scrolling down to the bottom of manage queue page.

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