WiFi Connection Issues During Insignia Fire TV Setup




Insignia Fire TV is stuck on the MSetup browser page during initial setup of the TV.


Insignia FireTVs will request to be connected to a WiFi network during its initial set up. To avoid issues, it is recommended to skip the network setup step during the setup process, then accessing the TV's network settings to connect to the WiFi MAC address. The WiFi MAC address will then need to be registered using the U-M WiFi Configuration and Registration page for it to be connected to the MSetup WiFi network with Internet access. 

If you're unable to skip the network setup step, then you should temporarily connect the TV to a personal WiFi network such as a hotspot.

Some TVs may be able to connect to the MGuest network temporarily, but they will not be able to connect to WiFi networks requiring username & password authentication, such as MWireless or eduroam. Please refer to page 53 in the Amazon Fire TV User Guide for instructions on connecting to Public WiFi networks, such as MGuest.

Attempts to connect the TV to the MSetup WiFi network prior to registering the TV WiFi MAC address may result in the TV's web browser app opening and getting stuck on the U-M WiFi Configuration and Registration page. 

Should this issue occur, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Press the Back button on your Fire TV remote in an attempt to back out to the WiFi network selection screen.
  2. Restart your Fire TV
    1. Unplug the power adapter
    2. Waiting 1 minute
    3. Plug in the power adapter
  3. Factory reset your Fire TV
    1. If needed, safely eject expandable storage.
    2. Press and hold the Back button and the right-side of the navigation circle together for 10 seconds. 
    3. On the TV screen, choose to continue the factory reset. If you don't choose, the device resets automatically after several more seconds.

Additional Information

Please refer to the Amazon Fire TV User Guide for more information on setting up & using your Fire TV.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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