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- Knowledge Base
- All Things Data
A compilation of software tools used by MDEN mobile tech researchers for working with mobile data, including: wearable programming, mobile app development, data extraction, data analysis, data presentation and visualizations, and data pipelines.
- Knowledge Base
- All Things Data
This article is a listing of data dictionaries and data models for datasets that utilize mobile data (wearables, mobile apps, surveys, smartwatch apps, phone sensors, and more).
- Knowledge Base
- All Things Data
This article provides general guidance for sharing mobile data, based on the lessons learned by members of MeTRIC (, and evolving best practices from government and academic institutions worldwide.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology for Health Research
- Mobile Devices
Some of the common causes and solutions for compression lows in CGMs.
- Knowledge Base
- Video Collections
DIGIT-MI recordings from the 2022-2023 academic year. DIGIT-MI monthly meetings allow investigators across the University of Michigan to connect, learn, and share resources that encourage the increased use of digital and mobile technologies and mental wellness in research across multiple disciplines.