Using MPrint to Install Your Printer - Windows

  1. First we must determine if you are installing this while at home or in the SPH building. If at home, you must connect to VPN before following along with this guide. If you are in the SPH building, skip to step 4.
  2. Start your VPN
    Start your VPN
  3. Once AnyConnect is loaded, press the connect button.
    Once AnyConnect is loaded, press the connect button.
  4. Locate and launch the Mprint Installer on your desktop.
    Locate and launch the Mprint Installer on your desktop.
    ****If you don't see the MPrint installer on your desktop, please follow steps 5 through 7. If you do have the installer on your desktop, please skip to step 8.
  5. Open the Software Center on your desktop.
    Open the Software Center on your desktop.
  6. Select "Mprint GPO/Shortcut Installer".
    Select "Mprint GPO/Shortcut Installer".
  7. Next, select "Install (or Reinstall)"
    Next, select "Install (or Reinstall)"
  8. Locate the file "mprint_installer" and double click it. A new window should appear (if it does not, do not worry and just continue. Skip to step 14) indicated in the example picture. Select "More info".
    Locate the file "mprint_installer" and double click it. A new window should appear (if it does not, do not worry and just continue. Skip to step 14) indicated in the example picture. Select "More info".
  9. Next select "Run anyway".
    Next select "Run anyway".
  10. You should see the following screen once you launch MPrint Installer.
    You should see the following screen once you launch MPrint Installer.
  11. Once loaded you'll be at this screen. This will show every printer in MPrint on Campus.
    Once loaded you'll be at this screen. This will show every printer in MPrint on Campus.
  12. In the Search for Printer by name, location, or model box, type "SPH" to narrow the search down to just printers in the School of Public Health.
    In the Search for Printer by name, location, or model box, type "SPH" to narrow the search down to just printers in the School of Public Health.
  13. Once the list filters down to SPH Printers, locate the printer you wish to install. Note: Printers are named m-sph1 or m-sph-2 to indicate which building it is in, followed by the room number, attribute (color or black & white).
    Once the list filters down to SPH Printers, locate the printer you wish to install. Note: Printers are named m-sph1 or m-sph-2 to indicate which building it is in, followed by the room number, attribute (color or black & white).
  14. Once you locate the printer you wish to install, select the "Install Printers" button at the bottom, and the installation process will begin.
  15. Once installed, you will see a check mark next to the printer you selected.
    Once installed, you will see a check mark next to the printer you selected.
  16. Next, you can verify if that printer is installed by going down the Search bar and enter, "Printers".
    Next, you can verify if that printer is installed by going down the Search bar and enter, "Printers".
  17. Once the status box opens, you'll see the printer listed. That's it, you have successfully installed your preferred printer.
    Once the status box opens, you'll see the printer listed. That's it, you have successfully installed your preferred printer.

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Article ID: 11409
Wed 1/3/24 1:03 PM
Thu 1/4/24 10:17 AM