Attendance and Poll Reports for Zoom in Canvas


Zoom in Canvas integration


I have created my course meetings using Zoom in Canvas, and now I would like to know:

  • How can I pull a report of who attended my course meeting so that I can take attendance?
  • How can I pull a report of the polls I used in my course meeting?
  • How can I download the reports to a .CSV file?
  • How can the rest of my instructional team access these reports?


Navigating to the reports

  1. In your Canvas course, click Zoom
  2. Click the Previous Meetings tab
  3. Click Report for the course meeting for which you want to pull a report
Note: If the meeting is not yet showing in Previous Meetings and is still showing in Upcoming Meetings, wait until the end time of the meeting has passed for it to show up in Previous Meetings. The end time is set by a combination of the start time of the meeting and the duration of the meeting.

Attendance reports

The Meeting Report tab shows the following information about each participant, including hosts and co-hosts (instructors):

  • Name: The participant's Zoom display name
  • Email: Email address of the participant's Zoom account. It may not be available if the participant is not logged into the Zoom desktop application when they join, or it may show a non-UMICH email address if the participant uses a personal Zoom account
  • Join time
  • Leave time
  • Duration (minutes): The number of minutes that the person was in the meeting (Leave time minus Join time, in whole minutes)
  • Attentiveness Score: This is a retired feature and will always be blank

If the same participant leaves and rejoins, they usually only show up in the report once. However, it is possible for participants to show up twice if they rejoin with a different Zoom account or if they connect to the meeting using multiple devices.

Note: The attendance report available in Canvas will only show information for the most recent opening of the meeting. If someone accidentally clicks that meeting link after the real meeting is over, it resets the report to that most recent meeting and will only show that student(s) that re-opened the meeting.

Poll reports

The Poll Report tab shows the following information about each poll response and includes hosts' and co-hosts' responses, if applicable:

  • Name: The participant's Zoom display name
  • Email: Email address of the participant's Zoom account. It may not be available if the participant is not logged into the Zoom desktop application when they join, or it may show a non-UMICH email address if the participant uses a personal Zoom account
  • Question: The question that the participant was responding to
  • Answer: How the participant answered the question

For more details about how participants' names and email addresses show in poll result reports, refer to Meeting registration and polling reports from the Zoom Help Center.

Downloading a CSV

Click Export as CSV File (under the tabs) if you would like to download the report to a .CSV file.

Who can access reports / sharing with instructional teams

Using Zoom through Canvas? Who Can Access and Download Reports?
  • Anyone with a Teacher, TA, Designer, or Admin role in the course can access and download Attendance and Poll reports for course meetings
  • This is one of the benefits of using Zoom through Canvas instead of creating meetings for your course directly in Zoom
  • Only the original host of the meeting can access or download Registration reports, as these reports are not available through Canvas. Learn how to download Registration reports from the Zoom web application.

Additional Information

Zoom in Canvas only works with Zoom Meetings, not Zoom Webinars.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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Article ID: 3270
Fri 7/31/20 10:33 AM
Thu 6/15/23 12:59 PM

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