What is Passwordstate?

Intended Audience

This article is intended for current faculty, staff, and students who would like to know how to utilize passwordstate to securely store their passwords.


To follow this article you will need to have access to the Internet. You will also need to have access to your university account and know your current university credentials (uniqname and current password). You will need to have access to your DUO device if DUO is enabled for your account.

Table of Contents:


General Usage

  1. To utilize the Passvault system navigate to Passwordstate.
  2. Log in with your uniqname and password.
  3. Here you will see the Passwords Home defaulted in your profile


  1. This will serve as the homepage for the remaining steps

Creating a Folder[Back]

  1. To utilize the Passvault system navigate to Passwordstate.
  2. Log in with your uniqname and password.
  3. Once you are at the homepage
  4. Click the three horizontal lines on the top left corner.


  1. Hover to Passwords.
  2. Click Add Folder.
  3. Fill in the following information.
    1. Folder name
    2. Description
    3. Check Yes/No for the 3 permission settings.
  4. Click Save.

Creating a Password List[Back]

Private Password List.

  1. To utilize the Passvault system navigate to Passwordstate.
  2. Log in with your uniqname and password.
  3. Once you are at the homepage
  4. Select the folder where you would have the password list at.
  5. Click the three horizontal lines on the top left corner.
  6. Hover to Passwords.
  7. Click Add Private Password List (Only you can see this list).
  8. Fill out the following information.
    1. Password List (name)
    2. Description
    3. Choose a Template (Standard Password List is the default)
    4. Choose an image for the password list
  9. Click Next.
  10. Review the information, click Finish.

Shared Password List

  1. Once you are at the homepage
  2. Select the folder where you would have the password list at.
  3. Click the three horizontal lines on the top left corner.
  4. Hover to Passwords.
  5. Click Add Shared Password List.
  6. Fill out the following information.
    1. Password List (name)
    2. Description
    3. Choose a Template (Standard Password List is the default)
    4. Choose an image for the password list
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the search bar, search for the user(s) you should like to share the password list with.
    1. Click the person in the Search Result box.
    2. Click the arrow next to View Permission, Modify Permissions, or Administrator Permission to set their access level to your password list.
  9. When finished, click Next.
  10. Review the information, click Finish.

Add/Delete and Modify Passwords to a Password List[Back]

Add Passwords

  1. To utilize the Passvault system navigate to Passwordstate.
  2. Log in with your uniqname and password.
  3. Once you are at the homepage
  4. Click on one of your password lists.
  5. Click Add above Recent Activity.
  6. Fill out the following information.
    1. Title
    2. Username (not required)
    3. Description (not required)
    4. Expiry Date (not required)
    5. Password
    6. Confirm Password
  7. Click Save.

Delete Passwords

  1. Once you are at the homepage
  2. Click on one of your passwords in the list.
  3. Click on the arrow under Actions next to the password.
  4. Click Delete.

Modify Current Passwords

  1. Once you are at the homepage
  2. Click on one of your passwords in the list.
  3. Click on the title of the password.
  4. A new box will come up and you can edit any of the information there.
  5. Click Save.

Adding files to a password entry

  1. From within Passwordstate navigate to a password you have already added.
  2. Then locate the downward arrow under the Actions heading.
  3. Click on View Documents.
  4. Here you can click on the Add Document.
  5. Where you will be prompted to enter a File Name and Description.
  6. Then select the document you would like to upload

Manage Permissions on Password List[Back]

Grant New Permissions

  1. To utilize the Passvault system navigate to Passwordstate.
  2. Log in with your uniqname and password.
  3. Once you are at the homepage
  4. Right-click on one of your shared password list.
  5. Click on View Permission.
  6. Click Grant New Permissions
  7. Type the person's name in the Search field.
  8. Click on the person's name in the Search Result.
  9. Click on >> next to View Permissions, Modify Permissions, or Administrator Permissions to grant access.
  10. Check Yes/No for Mobile Access.
  11. You may fill out a reason for access if you wish.
  12. Click Save

Modify Current Permissions

  1. Once you are at the homepage
  2. Right-click on one of your shared password list.
  3. Click on View Permission.
  4. Click the arrow under Actions next to the person's name.
  5. You may change their access level and other information here.


If you have any questions or experience any issues not covered by the information in this article, please stop by or call the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.


Location: 206 Murchie Science Building

Hours: go.umflint.edu/hours

Phone: (810) 762-3123

Email: flint.its.support@umich.edu