Intended Audience
This article is intended for the benefit of faculty and staff who would like to connect to their university-owned, Windows computers from home by using the Remote Desktop feature.
This feature is only supported on university-owned machines running either Windows 10, and 11.
To use Remote Desktop, the following must be fulfilled:
- You must leave your office computer powered on to be able to access it remotely.
- You must be connected to the Internet on both computers.
- When connecting from home: Use the UM-Flint VPN to connect to the UM-Flint Network.
When leaving your office, please make sure to always lock your computer or log out before you leave. Leaving your computer logged in while you are not present means that others may access your personal files and is a potential security risk.
Table of Contents
Finding the Computer Name on the Office Computer (Host)[back]
Windows 10
- Right-Click the Start Menu found in the lower-left corner of your screen.
- Click System.
- The Full Computer Name is located under the subheading of Device Specifications.
- You should write this name down, as you will need it later when using Remote Desktop.
Windows 11
- Right-Click the Start Menu found in the bottom center or lower-left corner of your screen.
- Click System.
- The Full Computer Name is located under the subheading of Device Specifications.
- You should write this name down, as you will need it later when using Remote Desktop.
Setting Up the Office Computer (Host) for Remote Desktop[back]
These steps must first be completed in order to prepare your computer for a Remote Desktop connection.
Windows 10
- Right-Click the Start Menu found in the lower-left corner of your screen.
- Click System.
- Click Remote Desktop, found on the left.
- Under Remote Desktop toggle-on the switch under Enable Remote Desktop.
- Click OK.
Windows 11
- Click the Start Menu found in the bottom-center or lower-left corner of your screen.
- Begin typing "Remote Desktop"
- Click Remote Desktop settings, found below in the list of results.
- Under Remote Desktop toggle-on the switch next to Remote Desktop.
Please remember to leave your computer on when you leave. Make sure that you lock the machine by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE on your keyboard at the same time and then selecting "Lock Computer." You can also log off of your computer, but remember to keep it turned on.
Setting Up the Second Computer (Client) for Remote Desktop[back]
If you are at home and you plan to remote into your office computer, you will need to launch Pulse Secure and connect onto the university's Virtual Private Network (VPN) or have Direct Access set up.
- Click the Start button found in the taskbar at the bottom of your screen.
- Type Remote Desktop Connection into the search bar, then press Enter.
- In the Computer field, type the that we found previously. (Note: If you are on campus, you do not need to type the at the end of the computer name.)
- Click Connect.
- In the Windows Security box type your uniqname and current password.
- Note: If you are using a non-university owned computer, you will need to
- Click More Choices.
- Click Use a different account.
- For User name, enter, replacing uniqname with your uniqname.
- Enter your current password, click OK.
The Remote Desktop will open and you will see your Host computer.
While you have established a remote connection into your computer, the computer will stay locked, disabling anyone else from accessing your machine. Also, no one will be able to see the work you are doing while remotely connected to the machine.
Ending your Remote Desktop Session[back]
- Click the X found at the top center of your screen
- Click OK – This will disconnect you from your remote connection with your host computer.
- If you are off-campus, please remember to disconnect from the Pulse Secure client as well.
I receive the following error message: "Remote Desktop can't find the computer"

- This error message occurs if your computer cannot reach the office (host) computer. First, please verify that you have an Internet connection and that you are properly connected to FortiClient. You must connect to the VPN in order for your computer to see the host machine on the network. Please ensure that the office computer is turned on by getting in contact with someone in your office or department. If using the full computer name continues to give you this error, please try typing the direct IP address of your computer into the Computer field, and try initiating a connection.
If you have any questions or experience any issues with this article, please visit or contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.
Location: 206 Murchie Science Building
Phone: (810) 762-3123
Additional Information[back]
To learn more about the Virtual Private Network (VPN) services offered at the university, please reference our VPN article:
Video Assistance[back]
Setting Up the Second Computer (Client) for Remote Desktop
Back to Setting Up Client for Remote Desktop