Changing Your Password

Intended Audience

This article is for the benefit of University affiliates who would like to change their current password or set up password recovery options. If you do not know your current password and do not have your recovery options set up, please visit or contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.


To follow this article you will need to have access to the Internet. You will also need to have access to your University account and know your current university credentials (uniqname and current password). If you do not remember your password, please give us a call at (810)-762-3123.

Password Requirements

Your new password must meet the following requirements:

  • Password is case-sensitive.
  • Must be at least 15 characters long.
  • Must not be a simple word or phrase.
  • Must not be a simple sequence (i.e. "1234" or "zyxw").
  • Must not include part of your name or uniqname.
  • Must have at least three types of the following characters:
    • Uppercase (A-Z)
    • Lowercase (a-z)
    • Numbers (0-9)
    • Symbols (!, #, $, etc.)


ITS recommends that you use a password phrase rather than a single word.

Example: "Passphraseismoresecure" instead of "Password"


ITS Recommends that you DO NOT use anything that is easily associated with you, such as:

  • Your Name
  • Your Birthday
  • Social Security Number
  • Current or Former Address
  • Spouse or Child's Name
  • Parent's Name
  • Pet's Name

The system will not allow commonly used passwords (such as “password” or “thisismypassword”).

Please note: If you type your password incorrectly multiple times, your account will be locked temporarily for security purposes. Please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 810-762-3123 for assistance unlocking your account, or wait thirty minutes until the lock has been lifted.

Changing Your Current Password

There are a few ways to change your current password. Please review the list below, and choose the one that is appropriate for your situation. 

Please note: Flint ITS no longer has the ability to change UMICH passwords, this responsibility is held solely by Ann Arbors help desk.

Option One: Changing Your Password with the Password Change System

Please Note: If you remember your password and would like to change it, please follow the steps in this section. If you have forgotten your password, please visit or contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance or by choosing "Forgot Password?" on our login screen.

  1. Open up your web browser and navigate to
  2. Login using your current uniqname and current password. There will be a Duo prompt after this as well
  3. On the menu shown, click Change UMICH Password.
  4. Type in your new password using the provided guidelines. These text fields are interactive and will notify if you have a strong enough password.
  5. Once you have typed a valid password, click the Set Password button below the text areas.
  6. Your password will be updated. This process can take several minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection. Please let the page load during this time.
  7. You should receive a prompt stating that the password has been successfully changed once complete. 

Option Two: Using Account Recovery Options

It is strongly recommended that you configure at least one method for account recovery.

To set or update your recovery options:

  1. Open up your web browser and navigate to
  2. Login using your current uniqname and current password. There will be a Duo prompt after this as well
  3. On the menu shown, click Update Account Recovery Info
  4. Enter your mobile phone number and Non-UMICH email address into their respective fields, and then click Save. You should receive a confirmation message on the inputted devices.
    • If there is already contact info listed, click the pencil icon to edit the phone number or email address there. Then, click Save.
    • You can fill out only a phone number or only an email address, it is not required to have both.

Using your recovery options:

  1. Open up your web browser and navigate to
  2. Click Forgot Password?
  3. Enter your uniqname into the Uniqname box
  4. Select either Date of Birth or UMID. Then, enter the chosen information (DOB or UMID) into the box below. Lastly, click Submit
  5. Select which method you would like to recover with, text message or email, and then click Submit.
    • For text messages, it will contain text stating "Your UMICH password reset code is: " and include a code.
    • For email, you will receive an email from "" which will state "You have requested a UMICH password reset. Please enter the following code into the password reset form: " and include a code.
  6. Enter the password reset code you have received into the Code box, and then click Submit
  7. From here you will be able to set your password again.


If you have any questions or experience any issues with this article please visit or contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.


Location: 206 Murchie Science Building


Phone: (810) 762-3123


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Article ID: 4965
Thu 4/29/21 10:29 AM
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