How do I import a Zoom Cloud recording into the lecture recording service?

To get the most out of recording uploads, see our help doc: What are the recommended Zoom Cloud recording settings for importing into CAEN’s Lecture Recording system?

  1. Log into the CAEN Lecture Recording Management System, and go to your site's recordings list.
  2. Click the Import Zoom Recordings button:
    • If needed, authorize access to your Zoom recordings.
    • Once authorized, go back to the site recordings list.
    • Click the Import Zoom Recordings button again.
  3. .Select the date range the recording was made in, and click Search.
    • This is limited to a month at a time.
  4. Change the title of the recording if you don’t like the default title.
  5. Click Import to import the recording.

It will take 30-40 minutes for the system to process and import the recording.