My activity recurs or happens over multiple days. How should I enter it in PDAT?

When creating a new activity, the activity date is optional and may be omitted. Use an individual’s attendance date to indicate when they participated in your activity.

PDAT does not allow a single person to attend a given activity multiple times. If you try to upload an attendance record for the same person twice in the same CSV file, it will not permit you to do so. Additionally, if you change the attendance date for a particular attendee in a CSV upload, and they were already listed as having attended, PDAT will update their attendance date to any new value provided.

If you have an activity that occurs periodically, and people may want or need to attend multiple times, the recommended practice is to create a separate activity for each occurrence and reflect the time range in the activity title. For example, you could name your activity "My Activity [2022]" or "My Activity [Fall 2022]," depending on your activity’s frequency, and then upload attendance rosters accordingly.


Article ID: 8954
Thu 9/29/22 8:37 AM
Thu 9/29/22 8:37 AM