How do I enter data regarding a non-College award in the Faculty Honors and Awards System (HAA)?

If you believe you should have access contact the web team at

  • Navigate to the faculty list for the current awards year (The current awards year is set in departmental preferences by administrators).
  • Select the faculty member for whom you would like to record an award.
    This will take you to the awards page for that faculty member. Here, you will see all nominations for that faculty member, including historical records. Awards in progress will be listed at the top, awards attained will be listed next, and other historical (non-awarded) records will be listed at the bottom.
  • Select Add Award and enter the information about the award.
    • First, choose the Awarding Entity. If the awarding entity is not listed, go to the Award Entities Management Interface and add it. Note the list of Awarding Entities is shared by ALL departments, so any additions or edits will be visible to all.
    • Choose the award. If the award is not listed for the chosen Awarding Entity, go to the Award Management Interface and add it.
    • Enter the award year and award status, and save.
    • The award will appear in the appropriate list.
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Article ID: 6351
Thu 9/9/21 6:58 AM
Thu 9/9/21 8:21 AM