How do I edit a Lecture Recording?

Basic edits can be made to recordings within the Lecture Recording system, such as renaming the recordings, trimming the start and end times, and removing slides.

To make basic changes to your Lecture Recordings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the My Sites page on the CAEN Lecture Recording Management website (, then select the Manage Recordings option for any Lecture Recording site.
  2. Locate the lecture you would like to make changes to from the list on the next page, then click the Edit option attached to it.
  3. Make any changes as appropriate.

For example, to change the title of a recording, locate the Recording Information module. A new title can be entered in the Title field and a description can be added if desired.

You can make other changes to the recording besides the title. Once satisfied with these changes, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Advanced Editing

To make more advanced changes to your Lecture Recordings, click the Modify Recording tab at the top of this page.

This will open a page displaying the camera image, presentation slides, an edit menu, and a waveform that represents the audio timeline of the recorded lecture. Clicking anywhere within this audio timeline will move to a specific point in the lecture.

To trim the start and/or end time: simply move the START marker and/or the END marker to the desired start/end points in the recording.

To replace a slide, cut a portion of the video out, or adjust the audio: Click the + button (located on the top right side of the editing area), select an edit type, then choose a start and end time for the region you would like to edit. These edit types are:

  • Slide Replacement allows you to remove content from the slides signal, either by blanking it out (will just be black), or adding text/pre-made reasons to let viewers know why any images were removed.
  • Cut allows you to cut out a portion from the middle of the recording.
  • Audio Adjustment allows a very rudimentary ability to raise or lower the overall volume of the recording.

In addition, the title and description can be changed on this page. Once satisfied with all changes, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save. After save is pressed, the recording will reprocess to include any changes made and should be available within about twenty minutes.

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Article ID: 5139
Tue 5/4/21 9:41 AM
Mon 7/31/23 7:11 AM