Popular Services

For access to Outlook and other medical services.

Ensuring that physical classrooms, specialized learning environments, and virtual learning environments (e.g., immersive learning, augmented reality) are suitably equipped and functional to meet the needs of the education experience.

Request for standard computing services including access to: UM Gmail, Dropbox, general UMSN resources.

Includes design and maintenance of the capabilities, tools, and service points needed to deliver IT services or provide end-user support. Includes service desks, call centers, vendor/partner/provider service calls, and online support delivery. Might include concierge support or special event service delivery.

Identity and access management, including accounts, authentication, access, and role-based provisioning at the enterprise level.

Administration and management of financial services, procurement, travel, budget, vendor relations, and equipment purchasing

Offerings that respond to, remediate, and seek to prevent security incidents and vulnerabilities.

Offerings that relate to the management of academic course materials (e.g., videos, documents, spreadsheets) and that facilitate teaching and learning using online portals. Includes learning management systems and other learning platforms, as well as services that provide on-demand, usually modular skills-based learning to employees and/or students. Also includes polling and survey offerings used to solicit feedback from a group of individuals for academic or business purposes. Includes application-based, online, and device-specific polling or survey systems.

Recording, storing, editing, and publishing lectures.

Distribution, installation, and troubleshooting of software and licenses via media, online methods, and license servers. Includes both cloud-based and desktop software.

Support for all types of end-point devices, including laptops, desktops, mobile devices, and related peripherals that are not in the printing service. These devices might be personally or institutionally owned (including loaner equipment) and might be part of a shared pool or a computer lab. Includes support for the associated operating system, hardware, and systems that provide enterprise management of computing devices.

Distribution, installation, and troubleshooting of software and licenses via media, online methods, and license servers. Includes both cloud-based and desktop software.

Content management systems, portals, web hosting, web analytics, user experience design, and URL management. Also includes website, mobile application development, low code development (API, webhook, middleware scripts), and database management.