IT Process for Data Use Agreements (DUA) or Data Management Plans (DMP) not flagged for IT review


Process for Data Use Agreements & Data Management Plans not flagged for IT review  


eResearch Proposal Management system, TDX ticketing, Desktop Support, LSATS Security Teams  

General Process For Agreements (not flagged for IT review)

LSA Technology Services (LSA TS) may receive a request for assistance with data use agreements (DUAs) from an academic unit, an individual faculty/student, or from a LSA Finance Office. 

  • The researcher collects all documentation & agreements related to their data request then submits a request through the eResearch system by filling out a proposal agreement form. 
    • If you need assistance, please contact your department research administrator (can be contacted through LSA Finance Business Office email) for assistance with routing the Unfunded Agreement (UFA) through eRPM. 
  • The request will then be reviewed & approved by the department & the college before being sent to ORSP for review 
    • If needed, ORSP will flag the request for IT review and work with LSA TS for any data management plans required
    • ​​​​LSA TS is responsible for ensuring the security of computers as per stated in grant/contract/agreement. The reseacher is responsible for making sure any security requirements are continuously met after the initial review and that all data use agreements specifications are followed.  
  • Most agreements will be approved by research admins & ORSP without IT review. 

Additional Steps For Psych & Econ Grad Student Agreements

  • The Psych & Econ may require DUAs from grad students when entering their program. This process requires some additional steps as all DUAs are getting flagged for IT review.
    • ​​​​​LSA TS and PI will collaborate to complete the DMP/DUA
    • Jeffrey Neal can help with this process. 
    • If a specific DMP format is not required by the data provider or PI, templates are available in the LSA shared drive folder. (this should be specific to EH for these needs, for all other agreements the researcher, researcher admin or ORSP should be providing the correct forms - they are usually provided with the data set)
  • Ensure faculty/PI is aware of data requirements, access, and end date for closure of agreement. It is recommended to follow up with PI to ensure data best practices are being followed.
    • Note any specifics for data closure - primary investigator is responsible for termination of data agreement and the destruction/return of the data, following required steps, some of which may require LSA TS assistance.
    • Physical facilities security requirements as part of a contract/grant/agreement need to be routed to LSA Facilities; the requesting department will need to coordinate
  • Once DUA/DMP is complete, save the signed agreements and data management plans in the LSA shared drive folder.
    • Choose your region, then create folder(s) for the department, and PI name.
  • Track any DMP details you are able in the LSA tracking sheet.

External resources

U-M researchers receive annual allocations for research storage through the U-M Research Computing Package storage in the Turbo (active) and Data Den (archival) storage services. If data security protocols are needed that exceed the Turbo or Data Den offerings, staff should identify data storage options by data type and reference the Safe Computing website to select the appropriate option.