Adding Cisco VPN for iOS Devices

Tags vpn ios


Add the Cisco VPN to iOS devices.


  • iOS
  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • iPad Pro


Please note: An Apple ID will be needed for this process.

  1. First, download the Cisco AnyConnect app from the appstore.
  2. Once downloaded, open the app and select "Connections."
  3. Then go here and use the appropriate Server Address.
  4. It should then prompt you to add the vpn connection to this device. Select Yes or Allow.

Please note: It will switch to settings and then back to the app. If the app crashes, open it back up and it will finish adding the VPN.

  1. Once the VPN has been added, select connections again and select the VPN option that you want. 
  2. Then hit "Back" and select "AnyConnect VPN" by touching the on/off slider and a popup will come up with a U-M login page. 
  3. Log in with your U-M Credentials and then you are connected. 
  4. To disconnect, simply touch the sliding bar in the app again to turn off the VPN.

Please note: The word "VPN" should appear at the status bar on your device(usually next to the WiFi or cellular symbol at the top left).


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Article ID: 6988
Wed 1/12/22 9:42 AM
Fri 3/8/24 11:18 AM