Preparing your computer for an upgrade


This article will explain how to prepare your computer and data for an upgrade. 


  • All LSA provided computers


Cleaning Up Your Hard Drive

Removing old files is an easy way to help make the upgrade process quicker and smoother. Deleting data that is no longer used can speed up turn-around times. 

Suggested files to delete if not needed:

  • Files in the Downloads folder
  • Empty Trash (Mac)/Recycle Bin (Windows) 
  • Old files from desktop

LSA Technology Services is happy to talk about options or assist with any backups, please email for help or reach out via our support page

Backup Your Data

Backing up your data is always an important step. Your regional desktop support team will perform a backup & data transfer for you but we highly recommend you also create your own before bringing in the machine. 

LSA Technology Services recommends having two additional copies of your data (in addition to data stored on your local hard drive) at all times. These copies should be stored in different locations to provide the most security. For example , one backup could be located on an external drive and the second to a cloud service. 

Crashplan desktop backup is available at no cost to faculty and staff within the college. This is an easy and reliable solution that will perform scheduled backups once set up. An account must be provisioned ahead of time, so check in with your regional Desktop Support team to see if you have access to this service.

LSA also has many file storage and research storage options available depending on your needs.

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