Searching for content in the LSA TDX KB


This article provides tips on how to get better search result within the TDX KB. 


LSA TDX Environment


To search the KB perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Search tab of the LSA portal KB page.
  2. Enter your desired search term(s). This can be one or more words in the title or body of the article but cannot be a single simple word like and or the.
    • You can use quotes around the search term to force an exact match. This is especially helpful when looking for a specific and not finding every other reference to
    • You can use the pound or hashtag symbol to look for tags. Searching for #TeamDynamix will return all articles with the TeamDynamix tag associated.
  3. Select any desired options:
    • Use the Category field to limit the search to a specific category. Only one category can be selected at a time. Check the "Include Subcategories" box if you want to include any subcategories. Leave the field blank if you want to search for all articles regardless of category.
    • Use the Owner field to limit the search to a specific owner. Only one owner can be selected at a time. This can be a user or a group but not both. Leave the field blank if you want to search for all owners.
    • Use the Status field to limit the search to articles with the specified status (Not Submitted, Submitted, Approved, Rejected, or Archived). Leave the field blank if you want to search for all statuses. You can select the relevant radio buttons for whether you want to limit the search to published or unpublished, or to public or private.
    • Use the Draft Status field to limit the search to articles in the specified draft status.
    • Use the Review Date field to limit the search to articles with the specified date range(s) for its next review.
    • Use the Created Date field to limit the search to articles created within the specified date range(s).
    • If you select more than one option the function acts as a logical AND. For example, if you specify a category and an owner, the search results only include articles in that category and with that owner.
  4. Click the Search box.