SmartVue install for clients.
windows hosts in labs for checking freezer temps
- Download Client Installer .zip folder. You will need to allow the download as windows initially blocks it.
- Unzip the archive.
- Run the "start" with administrator access.
- Dismiss the entry "caution" by clicking continue.
- Once installed, launch "Smart-Vue client" from the start menu.
- on the login screen, click the ">>" button and enter as the server. Leave the port number as 11000.
- At this point, login using the credentials for your lab. (If you believe you should have access but do not, please contact LSA TS.)
Adding different alert types:
The type of alert that is received is determined by user profile settings. From the toolbar of the SmartVue client, go to the settings tab (alternatively Alt-s) and click the icon featuring two distinctly colored human figures; hover over the button, and you will see that this is the "User and call group management" menu.
Once in the user list, just click the "view my profile" button in the upper left to access contact details for your profile.