Connecting to LSA file spaces (Windows)


This article discuss how to connect to LSA file spaces from Windows. Refer to the Linux instructions or the Mac instructions for other operating systems.




To access the files remotely (off-campus)

Connect to the campus VPN first. You’ll need to download and install the VPN client (a one-time thing), then connect to the space you want, and optionally map drives or create favorites or shortcuts:

  1. Download, install, and connect to the VPN client.
  2. Then connect to the file space using the steps below.

Connecting To File Spaces From Windows

  1. Go to the start button, then right click your machine name (on the right side of the panel, usually under “Music”, which may look like "Computer", "hist-1234abc", or "js-uniqname"), and click on Map Network Drive.
  2. From the Drive ​pull­ down menu, select the letter you would like to use. Select S: for your department space and H: for your personal space, unless they are already in use, etc.
  3. In the Folder​ field, enter the path for each drive. Path information can be found in the "Additional Notes" section.
  4. Make sure Reconnect at logon ​is checked and click Finish.
  5. Your mapped drives will then show up in Windows Explorer (double-­click the computer icon on the desktop).
    Windows File Space 2.png
    • If you’re prompted for username and password, enter your uniqname preceded by umroot\, For example, umroot\johnsmith. Use your Kerberos password.
    • To place a shortcut on your desktop, right click the icon for the drive and choose Create shortcut​. Windows will automatically place the shortcut on your desktop.

Connect Directly to Psychology Lab Server Space from Windows

To connect directly:

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Click RUN (if on Windows XP) and type (for Windows 7) in the ‘Search programs and files’ the following path: \\lsa­\lsa­psycgroup\LabNameHere
    where LabNameHere is the appropriate lab space name, such as tahlgren-lab.

Additional notes

Type Path
S Drive \\\lsa-dept

where dept is your department prefix. The lsa-dept reference appears twice, once in each of the host name and volume name.

H Drive \\\lsa-users\uniqname

where uniqname is your uniqname.

LSA Research Storage (Turbo)


If the name and password on the machine where you are trying to mount the volume do not match your UMich uniqnme and password please try mounting with different credentials on Windows and add UMROOT\ in front of the uniqname. 

Please note: If you cannot find your space, please contact us.