Mathematica off-campus licenses

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Wolfram Mathematica is software from Wolfram Research used for technical computing. The University of Michigan has various licenses for Mathematica depending on the user's University affiliation and the location of the device.

Directions: Mathematica for Personal Computers

Mathematica is available free of charge for U-M faculty and staff only on personal computers. This is referred to as a "home-use license". If you're trying to install this on a university-owned computer, please see that section below.

  1. To begin, students must first set up a Wolfram ID using their email address, then request activation under the U-M student license: 3075-0074
  2. Fill out this form using your email address.
  3. Continue through the next few screens, providing the information requested, then click "Submit."
  4. You should get email messages from Wolfram with a temporary key and from the U-M site administrator with information about registering your license.

I didn't get the email from Wolfram with the activation code

This is a low-percentage event but is known to happen occasionally.

  1. Visit and sign in using your own U-M email address ( and the appropriate password.
  2. Click on the My Products & Services tab.
  3. Click on "Mathematica Site Home Use" to see your unique activation key.

Directions: Mathematica for University-Owned Computers that Travel Off-Campus

A university-owned machine that travels off-campus (such as a laptop) must use the "Mathematica for Sites" license.

  1. "Mathematica for Sites" is delivered via a self-serve portal on the Wolfram website.
    • You may need to re-click the above link after creating your Wolfram account.
  2. You can submit your own request yourself and will be granted a temporary activation key immediately. 
  3. The key will eventually need to be approved by ITS Software Services, which they will do after confirming your department affiliation. Once approved, your activation key license will be automatically extended.