Adding your U-M GMail to Microsoft Outlook

Tags outlook email


Instructions on adding a U-M GMail account to MS Outlook. 

Please note: ITS no longer supports Gmail set up with Outlook.  


  • Operating System: Windows, macOS
  • Software: Microsoft Outlook


Allowing GMail to communicate with Outlook

Before adding the email account to Outlook, we need to turn on Less Secure Apps in the security setting of Gmail:

  1. Sign into your U-M GMail account.
  2. Go to the Security settings.
  3. Scroll down to "Less secure app access"
  4. Click toggle to turn on "Allow less secure apps."
  5. Close the webpage.

Adding UMich GMail to Outlook:

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click "File" in the upper left.
  3. Click "Info" on sidebar to bring up Account Information.
  4. Click "Account Settings"
  5. Click "Account Settings" from the drop-down menu to open the Account Settings wizard.
  6. Click "Email" tab and then "New..." button
  7. New Outlook window will pop up with your email address, click "Advanced options" then check "Let me set up my account manually" then Connect
  8. Choose, Google
  9. For "Incoming Mail Server," enter:
  10. For "Incoming server (IMAP)," change to: 993
  11. Change "Use the following type of encrypted connection" to "SSL."
  12. Check box for "Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)
  13. For "Outgoing Mail Server," enter:
  14. For "Outgoing server (SMTP)," change to: 465
    You can use SMTP port 587 with TLS if the preceding Outgoing configuration fails.
  15. Change "Use the following type of encrypted connection" to "TLS."
  16. Check box for "Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)
  17. Click, Next
  18. For "Password," enter your UMich mail password then Next
  19. U-M Weblogin window will pop up. Enter your U-M credentials
  20. Authenticate using DUO
  21. Google will say that Microsoft Apps and Services wants to access your Google Account. Click, Allow at the bottom
  22. Another window should come up and say Account Successfully Added
  23. Uncheck, "Set up outlook mobile on my phone, too" and click Done
  24. Your email address should be in the Account Settings window now. Click, Close in the lower right
  25. You should start to see your email folders start populating on the left sidebar. It'll take a few minutes to hours to sync all your emails to your account.