Mapping a shared drive on a Mac


Map a shared drive on a Mac, including instructional video.


Mac OS X 


  1. Before beginning you need to know what your departmental abbreviation is (i.e., Psychology is Psyc, Judaic Studies is js, and so on).
  2. Open “Finder.”
  3. Select “Go” from the top menu bar.
  4. Select “Connect to server.”
  5. In the “Server Address” box, enter the following where HERE is your departmental abbreviation: smb://
  6. Click “Connect.”
  7. A new window will pop up. Drag the window to the “Favorites” on the sidebar.

Instructional Video:


Please note:

If you are off-campus, you will need to connect to the U-M VPN before you are able to access your shared drives.

If the drive does not map or says "Access Denied", your account might not have permission to view that folder. Please contact the LSA TS IT Service Desk at 734.615.0100 or for further assistance.