Lapel Microphone makes a clicking or rattling noise

Tags microphone

With regular prolonged usage, wireless lapel microphones may begin to generate a crackling, popping or rattling noise as a small cartridge within the microphone capsule gradually loosens. Sometimes incorrectly described as feedback, this noise can be distracting at best. If indeed the symptom is caused by a loosened cartridge rather than a worn cable or faulty connection, here is the procedure for resolving the issue:

  1. Remove the windscreen from the microphone by pulling it up and away from the capsule.
  2. Tighten the cartridge to the capsule by gently rotating its top, clockwise. It is important that you do not use any tools to tighten the cartridge; finger strength will be sufficient.
  3. If the cartridge is disconnected and inside the windscreen, reattach the windscreen to the capsule by placing it at a vertical angle and turning the cartridge with the windscreen. Let gravity assist you in making sure the connection is stable. Repeat step 2 as needed.




Article ID: 10166
Fri 5/12/23 11:08 AM
Tue 12/19/23 2:01 PM