Updating Major/Minor Content on the LSA Website


Since October 2016, the major and minor requirements content on the LSA College website under the Major and Minor requirement pulls from the Program Approval Request Form (PARF) system. 

The PARF System, part of the LSA Course Maintenance system, allows for units to request new undergraduate LSA majors and minors or modify existing majors and minors. Through this system, the LSA Curriculum and Executive Committee approves both the new majors and minors or edits to existing majors and minors. 

Once approved, the new major and minor will display on the LSA Major and Minor Page. For new programs, a new requirements page will be added to the website. For updates to existing majors and minors, the system will automatically display the updated content.


  • Adobe Experience Manager
  • Program Approval Request Form  


Updates to the program must first be submitted through the PARF system. You can follow the procedure to do this in the LSA Gateway. Once the changes are submitted: 

  1. The Curriculum Committee reviews the new major/minor or updates to an existing major or minor. If approved by the Curriculum Committee, the changes go on to the LSA Executive Committee for final approval.

  2. After approval by the Executive Committee, the LSA Curriculum Program Specialist will launch the new major and minors or updates in the PARF system. This initiates a workflow for the Curriculum Support team.

  3. The Curriculum Support team will complete the launch of the changes through the LSA Course Maintenance. Once that is complete the following can occur in AEM:

    1. For new Majors and Minors, AEM Web Support will add a new requirements page to the college site and share the new URL with the LSA Curriculum Program Specialist.

    2. For updates to existing Majors and Minors, the changes will display automatically on the requirements page. However, AEM utilizes a caching protocol in order to alleviate stress load on the system. This may prevent updates from immediately showing on the page. If the changes need to display as soon as possible, units can request a cache flush to be done by the Web Team. To make this request, submit a ticket to LSA Technology Services.

Please note: If you are still not seeing the changes after a cache flush has been done by LSA Technology Services, this may be due to your personal browser cache. If this occurs, you will need to clear you browser cache. All new visitors to the page will see the updated content. 


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Article ID: 10123
Tue 5/2/23 2:54 PM
Fri 11/10/23 10:12 AM