SSC - HR - Recruitment and Employment - I-9 Special Event Request

Information and Instructions:

If you are planning a special departmental orientation for new hires and would like to include the opportunity for them to complete the I-9 process at the event, we can help! SSC staff will attend your event and complete the I-9 process on-site.

Use this form to request Shared Services Center staff members attend your special new employee event for the purpose of completing the attendees' I-9 process. Your request must be received 10 business days in advance of the event.

Special Events must meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum of 15 attendees.
  • Held during regular business hours (Monday–Friday, 8am-5pm)
  • Event falls between the job offer acceptance date and the employees first day worked
  • Access to adequate table space and chairs
  • Access to electrical outlets for laptops

To help ensure all new employees are eligible to complete their I-9 forms, please refer to this readiness checklist:

  • Did the employee complete and pass a background check?
  • Did the employee accept a final job offer?
  • Is the employee aware of required documentation to bring with them?    

Note: Regular Staff are still expected to attend New Employee Orientation.