SSC - HR - Verification of Employment (Letter)


Complete this eform to create a letter verifying your employment with the University. Please select the template that matches the information you need. The SSC will create the letter based on your selection. Please note, you can add an addendum to any template to include your hours and earnings information (see Earnings Addendum A, B, and C to match your needs).

Please note: The SSC is unable to provide information/comment on the following items: specific information on academic appointments, U-M student verifications, visa letters/travel letters, credentialing/privileging requests for medical staff, evaluation questions, leaves of absence, reason for termination, verification of future employment, continuation of employment or future earnings, and specific job descriptions or duties.

If you have questions or need assistance completing this request, call the Shared Services Center at (734) 615-2000.

   Denotes required field.