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DPSS Emergency Management
DPSS-Emergency Management Request Support
DPSS-Emergency Management Request Support
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Need assistance with BIRT, COOP, setting up exercises, this is the correct starting place
A short description to explain the nature of a ticket.
How can DPSS Emergency Management Assist you?
What can DPSS Emergency Management Assist You With?
BIRT Training
Continuity of Operations Planning
Evacuation Signs (Ann Arbor Only)
Other Assistance Needed / Not Sure
How can Emergency Management Assist you with BIRT?
How can Emergency Management Assist you with BIRT
BIRT stands for Building Incident Response Team
I want to learn more about the U-M BIRT Program
I want to schedule annual BIRT training for my group
Please provide a 1st choice date
(mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm)
Providing dates does not guarantee that the date and time will work for the Emergency Management Team.
Please provide a 2nd choice date
(mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm)
Providing dates does not guarantee that the date and time will work for the Emergency Management Team.
Please provide a 1st choice date
(mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm)
Providing dates does not guarantee that the date and time will work for the Emergency Management Team.
Please provide a 2nd choice date
(mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm)
Providing dates does not guarantee that the date and time will work for the Emergency Management Team.
Do you have ideas for a scenario?
Estimated number of participants
Location to hold the event
How can DPSS Emergency Management assist you with COOP?
I want to learn more about COOP
I'm requesting an updated COOP Template
I need assistance with my unit's plan
I'm submitting my unit's COOP plan for review and feedback
I'm not sure if my unit has a plan
How can DPSS Emergency Management assist you?
File attachments associated with the ticket.
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Your name
Your first name
Your last name
Your email address
Verification Code