Annoto is now available in all Canvas courses!
Quickly turn passive course videos into engaging and interactive experiences for students using Annoto!
Annoto is an add-on to MiVideo in Canvas that allows students to collaborate within the video or audio player.
How an instructor can view Annoto quiz results for a specific MiVideo video. These results include highest, mean, and lowest course grades, percent of students who completed the quiz, as well as an individual student's answers. If the quiz was created as a Canvas Assignment, final grades are passed back to Canvas Gradebook.
See the Annoto Use Case: Quiz Students On Video Material article to learn how to create an Annoto quiz for a MiVideo video.
Quiz results appear in the Annoto Dashboard for the course. The Annoto dashboard is accessible to all teachers and TAs enrolled in the course.
- Navigate to the Annoto Dashboard in the course:
- From the Media Gallery
- Media Gallery > Channel Actions in the upper right > Annoto Dashboard
- From the left course navigation
- Settings > Navigation > enable Annoto Dashboard. Note: this only has to be done once to have the navigation link appear in the course
- Click the Annoto Dashboard link in the left course navigation
- From the Annoto Dashboard select the Hub tab at the top
- Search for and select the video with the Annoto quiz
- Select the Assessment tab at the top
- More information about the Assessment tab can be found in the Annoto guide Annoto Dashboard: Assessment
Annoto Guides
Resources and Questions
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center