Annoto is now available in all Canvas courses!
Quickly turn passive course videos into engaging and interactive experiences for students using Annoto!
Annoto is an add-on to MiVideo in Canvas that allows students to collaborate within the video or audio player.
How an instructor can use Annoto's Comments to provide private feedback on MiVideo video assignments, right in the video player!
- Instructors can view the student's video submission in Speedgrader.
- The Annoto widget loads alongside the player.
- Instructors can provide feedback at specific points during the video, ask questions, and share thoughts.
- Students can view their video from the assignment submission details screen.
- The Annoto widget loads alongside the player.
- Students can reply to the instructor's feedback and share their own thoughts.
- Only the instructor and student (or group of students if a group assignment) can view the comments on the video.
Video Demos
Enable Annoto Feature For All Videos
Annoto Comments for Video Assignments
Comments Space in Annoto
- In this use case, Comments will be enabled at the course level so all videos in the course (including videos in the Media Gallery and embedded into course content) will have the Annoto Comments feature enabled.
- Instructors can enable the Comments feature by toggling the slider located on the Preferences tab of the Annoto Dashboard. See the Annoto Dashboard and Preferences article for detailed instructions.
- Annoto features enabled at the course level can be disabled for individual videos. Features enabled/disabled at the video level override features at the course level. For example, there may be videos in the course in which Comments are inappropriate, such as video quizzes. Comments can be disabled for those specific videos.
- Navigate to the Preferences tab for a specific video in the Annoto Dashboard and disable Comments. See the Annoto Dashboard and Preferences article for detailed instructions.
- The ability to enable and disable Annoto features for specific videos provide instructors complete control over how students interact with course videos.
- Important: student video submissions will appear in the Annoto Dashboard. Please be aware the Annoto data on those videos will be copied into a new course if you use Annoto's course import.
Create Video Assignment
- Create an assignment in Canvas so students can submit a MiVideo audio or video recording.
- Note: uploading the video to Canvas or using Canvas's built-in recorder will not work because these two options do not utilize the MiVideo integration with Canvas.
- See the Create MiVideo Audio and Video Assignments in Canvas article for more details.
Annoto Guides
Additional Information
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center