Annoto is now available in all Canvas courses!
Quickly turn passive course videos into engaging and interactive experiences for students using Annoto!
Annoto is an add-on to MiVideo in Canvas that allows students to collaborate within the video or audio player.
How to import Annoto course data into a new Canvas course.
Video Demo
Importing Annoto course data (Preferences, Comments and Interactions)
- You can import Annoto preferences, instructor comments (not student comments), and interactions/quizzes.
- This feature adds all Annoto data from one course into the Annoto Dashboard of the new course. It does not publish or embed the videos into the new course.
- You'll need to import the videos from another Media Gallery or copy embedded videos via a Canvas course copy.
- Important: all video data from the other course are added to the Annoto Dashboard of the new course. This may include videos you do not own. For example, if another instructor published a video to the Media Gallery of the other course, that video's data will be added to the Annoto Dashboard of the new course during this import. Also be aware if Annoto was enabled at the course level, any student video assignment submissions using MiVideo were added to the Annoto Dashboard and the data on those videos will be imported during this process.
- See the Annoto Duplicate Course Data article for instructions.
Annoto Guides
Resources and Questions
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center.