Tableau Dashboard - Student Success Viewer
Data - Unizin Data Platform (UDP)
What is Student Success Viewer?
Who can get access to the Student Success Viewer?
Who currently has access to Student Success Viewer?
How do I request to add or remove access to the Student Success Viewer?
Are there any Training Videos?
The Student Success Viewer service is a University of Michigan tool that helps academic advisers identify academically at-risk students using Learning Management System data (UDP).
It presents actionable intelligence to academic advisers using data about students' current term grades, activity, and assignments. By helping them identify students at risk of academic jeopardy, the tool enables advisers to create timely interventions directing students toward resources that may facilitate behavioral change and academic growth and success.
This dashboard is designed to help academic advisers identify academically at-risk students using Canvas Unizin data. The design of the SSV data mart revolves around published courses and their enrollments, with subsequent integration of students' academic information. Students maintain active status throughout their tenure at U-M, regardless of whether it spans four years, two years, or any range within their enrollment duration.
- Note: you can adjust the lower bound (the threshold for the red/yellow boundary) and the upper bound (the threshold for the yellow/green boundary) based on the main Course Section Selection tab course averages, if preferred.
- Academic Summary: copy and paste student(s) uniqname from your excel file into the Tableau uniqname filter located on the right side of the window
- Academic Assignments info: your chosen class and the student assignment details are displayed
- Academic Report: Student(s) information includes high level info and assignment details
- Course Section Selection: Search by class, section and term and it displays Courses and section info on the top section and bottom section can be filtered to see the students in each course/section.
- Glossary - Key information about dashboard
Who can get access to the Student Success Viewer?
- Access to Student Success Viewer is strictly limited to specific U-M-Ann Arbor staff and faculty.
- Students and peer advisors cannot access the Student Success Viewer. However, staff, advisors, and faculty members who meet the necessary criteria for their role defined in the OARS system can gain access
- Access requests are reviewed on a case by case basis and access policies are adjusted at any time based on new use cases or changing university policies.
- The roles of staff and faculty who have previously been approved for access to Student Explorer include:
- School-and-college-level staff academic advisors
- Department-level staff and faculty academic advisors
- Undergraduate and graduate program coordinators
- Professional academic coaches and mentors
- All users from the MCommunity Student Explorer Users group have been granted access to the Student Success Viewer.
- Individuals who gain access to Student Success Viewer are required to first complete the U-M Institutional Data Access and Compliance Agreement and the associated DCE101 U-M Data Protection and Responsible Use online self-paced training course; most individuals who already have access to university systems have previously met this requirement and no further action is needed.
- The information contained within the Student Explorer application is sensitive data governed by FERPA, and as such, access is tightly controlled. Access is granted on a case-by-case basis upon request. Access to the Student Success Viewer is controlled separately from the Student Success Viewer Data - UDP; this article addresses access to the application.
How is access to Student Success Viewer governed?
Governance of Student Explorer access falls under the U-M Data Governance structure; Student Explorer's data is classified as "Academic Affairs" data. Categories of Academic Affairs data in Student Explorer include Advising, Teaching and Learning Technology Usage, and Student Class Performance Measurement Data. Policies regarding who can gain access to Student Explorer are set in collaboration between the data managers of these data categories and ITS Teaching & Learning, the team that manages the Student Explorer application. Case-by-case situations may involve approval by the departmental Student Unit Liaison. Questions about governance of Student Explorer access may be directed to
Who currently has access to Student Success Viewer?
The Student Success Viewer Users MCommunity group provides an up-to-date list of all individuals who have access to Student Success Viewer. Access is reviewed annually or more frequently.
How do I request to add or remove access to the Student Success Viewer?
To request access to be added or removed for yourself or someone else, please complete the Student Success Viewer Access Request (U-M login required).
Are there any Training Videos?
NOTE: Must be logged into UMICH domain. Only visible to MCommunity Group: Student Success Viewer Users
Additional Information
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