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This REDCap project is used in the Morning Light Stress Study, whose principal investigator is Dr. Helen Burgess, Ph.D. The project consists of over 50 forms and surveys with 1,257 questions that cover eConsent, demographics, medical history, mental health instruments, and satisfaction surveys.
This article introduces MiNap, an application developed to serve as a prototype for sleep medicine research data collection. The article shares an overview of the problem in hand, the designed solution and its future potential in the medical research domain.
A listing of U-M and MM offices and research cores that provide data-related consultation services, including those with expertise with mobile data and mental health data.
Direct links to Depression Center consultation request forms, program applications, and program information contacts.
Guidance document for how the FDA regulates apps requiring clearance, such as Mobile Medical Applications (MMAs) and other mobile device software functions with a clinical application