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A compilation of software and cloud services for creating forms, surveys, polls, questionnaires, etc. A compilation of software and cloud services for electronic data capture, forms, surveys, polls, questionnaires, etc. Find the right survey tool for business, clinical or research use.
This article describes a work-around for creating a Recently Created Articles widget filtered by category.
Strategies for getting an individual tenant's client portal - and associated knowledge base - to be found and listed by search engines, including Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo.
Script tags, id attributes and other commonly-used features of HTML are blocked in TeamDynamix. This article describes some workarounds for using Bootstrap and CSS in TDX, even with the lack of script tags and id attributes.
Tools for business process automation, robotic process automation (RPA), data integration, and data pipelines (ETL / ELT) at University of Michigan and Michigan Medicine.
This article describes the steps needed to generate a tracking code (DOI) that can be used in your code and KB articles, so they can be easily found in future publications that cite your work.