Grade Predictor


Have you ever found yourself scrambling at the end of a semester, desperately trying to calculate your final grade or figure out what score you need on that last assignment to achieve your desired outcome? Enter GradeCraft's Grade Predictor – your ultimate solution to staying on top of your academic game!

The Grade Predictor is a powerful tool designed to empower students like you to take control of your academic journey. It allows you to predict your final grade based on the assignments you plan to complete and the grades you expect to achieve. No more last-minute panics or uncertainties; with the Grade Predictor, you can stay informed and in control every step of the way.

The Grade Predictor also gives you information about every assignment in the class, what badges are available for you to earn, and which assignments are required or optional.

Tip: You can adjust your prediction at any time! Planning is not a one-and-done thing. Feel free to adjust your predictions at any time based on your performance and goals.

Using the Grade Predictor

Navigating the Grade Predictor is simple and intuitive. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make the most of this invaluable tool:

1. From your GradeCraft dashboard, locate the Grade Predictor in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Having trouble finding the Grade Predictor? Look below for extra help!

Where do I find the Grade Predictor?

2. At the top of the Grade Predictor, you'll see a bar with black markers along the top.  These markers represent milestones set up within your course's grading scheme. When a class begins, the bar will be empty because no points have yet been earned.   

3. Below this section, you will find a list of expandable sections that indicate the assignment types in the class. Expanding the assignment type name will reveal the individual assignments in the assignment type.  There will also be an "i" that will display the details of that assignment, including due date. 

4. For each assignment, use the slider bar to predict your anticipated grade. As you make predictions, the Grade Predictor updates, providing you with instant feedback on your projected performance. There are three different color indicators on the bar.

  • Green: assignments that have been graded
  • Solid blue: assignments that you have predicted to complete but are either in the future, or not yet graded yet
  • Striped blue: assignments that have been predicted, but the assignments are dependent on something else (like a badge or another assignment)

5. Your predicted final grade will update when you select and update assignments. When you change the page or close the window, your selections are saved.

Need more help? No worries! Check out the Related Articles on the right or email us at for personal assistance. 



Article ID: 9047
Thu 10/13/22 1:10 PM
Tue 3/26/24 1:26 PM