A level-up request is one way by which you can advance in Spire. It is intended to be a reflective writing exercise where you synthesize work you have done in a particular a competency or dimension.
Anatomy of a Level-Up Request
Written Reflection - Your response to an open-ended prompt. This is where you make your case for why you feel you have progressed in the given competency or dimension
Cited Opportunities - As further supporting evidence of the work described in the written reflection, we recommend you attach or "cite" the corresponding opportunities. Doing so strengthens your request in the eyes of a reviewer, as they can see that you completed and reflected on the opportunity prior to leveling-up.
Additional Attachments - If there are other artifacts you wish to include for reviewers to see, you may attach them to the level-up request.
Ready to Level-Up?
Follow our guide on How to Start a Level-Up Request to continue.