OFA - Federal Work-Study Off-Campus Employer Questionnaire

501(c)(3) Designated Non-Profit Agencies that are headquartered in the State of Michigan should use this application to become an Off-Campus Work-Study employer for University of Mchigan Ann-Arbor students.
Is your agency incorporated as a non-profit agency or institution?
If Yes, attach documentation of 501(c)(3) exempt status, i.e. IRS Determination Letter.
Is your agency incorporated as a non-profit agency or institution?
Source of Agency Control
Source of Agency Control
This number should not include those employed through the work-study program.
Have there been any changes in the size of your agency's staff in the last year?
Have there been any changes in the size of your agency's staff in the last year?
Is anyone at your agency (who is not a UM-Ann Arbor student) affiliated with the UM-Ann Arbor campus?
Eg. Board Member, Employee, etc.
Is anyone at your agency (who is not a UM-Ann Arbor student) affiliated with the UM-Ann Arbor campus?
Provide the name of the personnel director or the agency representative who should be contacted regarding employment matters.
Provide the document or spreadhseet associated with this request.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code