Make an appointment to pick up your equipment with Media and Computing Services staff via phone (936-1247) or email ( Your appointment must be between 8 AM and Noon. Media and Computing Services will request that you be added to the list of people who can access the building on the day of your appointment.
Be sure to bring your MCard.
When you arrive, enter through the main entrance of SPH I by swiping your MCard. Complete the health questions on your mobile device by saving this page to your phone: You may do it before entering the building. Show the resulting check mark to the screener, who will check your temperature and give you a green sticker which you must wear while inside the building.
Note: if you do not have a mobile device with you, the screener will collect your answers to the survey questions.
If your Media and Computing Services staff member is not there to greet you, call them at 936-1247.