Clearing Java Cache

Common Java application issues can be easily solved by clearing the cache and temporary files. The information provided in this guide should only be attempted if you are experiencing issues within a Java-powered application.

Intended Audience

This article is intended for current faculty, staff, and students who need to clear their Java cache files on their Windows or Macintosh computer.


To follow this article you will need to have a Windows or Mac computer with a recent version of Java installed.

Clearing the Java Cache and Temporary Files

It is highly recommended to clear your cache only if you suspect an issue is occurring with Java. The Oracle Corporation maintains documentation for this procedure on their website. To learn about clearing the Java Cache on your operating system, please select the appropriate link below.


Please reference the documentation provided by Oracle for Windows computers by clicking here.


Please reference the documentation provided by Oracle for Macintosh computers by clicking here.


If clearing the Java cache does not resolve the issue you are experiencing within a Java application, or you have any questions, please visit or contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.


Location: 206 Murchie Science Building


Phone: (810) 762-3123
