WebCheckout is an online checkout and reservation system supported by Classroom Services. Equipment reservations can be placed for locations across campus where a CS technician will deliver equipment CS
supplies according to your specifications. For a list of the delivery equipment CS offers, please see the ITS-CS Equipment within WebCheckout.
NOTE: If requesting equipment in a room scheduled by EBS, please contact EBS directly for your equipment needs at (810) 762-3436.
Intended Audience
This article is here to provide assistance for faculty and permanent staff members who are ordering equipment. CS requests that all equipment orders are placed at least one (1) full business day in advance.
Reservations will work on most operating systems and have been confirmed to work in these browsers; Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. Only faculty and permanent staff may place orders in WebCheckout. Temporary employees and students MAY NOT place equipment orders with Classroom Services (CS).
To Place An Equipment Reservation:
- In your web browser, navigate to https://webcheckout.umflint.edu/ with this link. Alternatively, type it into the address bar near the top and hit Enter.
- You will be prompted to log in.
- Username: uniqname
- Password: current password
- On the Patron Dashboard (see below), click the Create a New Reservation button to begin editing a reservation.

- Enter the Start and End Times for your reservation by selecting the drop-downs for both the date and times you prefer.

- Click the Add Resources button to add whatever equipment you would like to include in your reservation. To search for equipment, you can search by Keyword or you can navigate through all of the available equipment by clicking the Delivery Equipment drop-down.
- Searching by Keyword:

- Searching through All Available Equipment:

- From here, you can select to add any repeats to your reservation by clicking Add repeats or add notes for CS technicians by clicking Add note to Checkout Center staff to further customize your order.
- Enter a Delivery Location by either manually typing the location (such as a building or room number) in the bottom line of the form or by clicking the Use Text Field (below) drop-down and choose from a list of standard locations on campus.
- Once you have entered all of the required information, click the Review and Submit button to look over the details of your reservation. If there are any errors in your reservation, you can click the Continue editing button to go back to your reservation and make the necessary changes.

- If all of the information included in your reservation is correct, click the Submit Reservation button to confirm your reservation. Once confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation to your umich.edu email address which will include your Checkout #.
Note: By submitting the request you assume responsibility to provide reasonable care and security until the return of the equipment.
To View, Edit, or Cancel Existing Reservations:
Edit an Existing Reservation:
- Login to WebCheckout.
- From the Patron Dashboard, click the My Reservations drop-down to view any existing reservations you have created.

- Click the Reservation in question and then click the Edit Reservation button to edit any details of your order (at least 24 hours in advance).
- Please contact ITS-CS at (810)-762-3123, if changes need to be made less than 1 day in advance.
Cancel an Existing Reservation:
- Login to WebCheckout.
- From the Patron Dashboard, click the My Reservations drop-down to view any existing reservations you have created.
- Click the Reservation in question and then click the Cancel Reservation button.
- Confirm your cancellation once more by clicking the Cancel Reservation button after the prompt appears.
- You will receive an email confirmation to your umich.edu email address once your reservation has been successfully canceled.
Troubleshooting Reservation Problems:
Error: "CS is closed at scheduled return time."
Solution: Change the date and/or time to a time frame where CS is open. If this is not possible, contact CS for assistance.
Error: "[Item] must be reserved at least 18 hours in advance."
Solution: The reservation must be made further in advance. Set the start time later or contact CS.
Error: "Minimum reservation length is 30 minutes."
Solution: Increase the reservation duration to more than 30 minutes.
Error: "No resources or resource types selected."
Solution: Select the "Add Resources" tab and choose the desired equipment from the list in the middle of the page. Once the type is chosen, select "Reserve one of this type" from the description section on the
right of the page.
Error: No "Reserve one of this type" button is displayed
Solution: There are no items of the selected type available during the selected time period. Consult the scheduler located at the bottom of the description page on the right side of the screen and adjust the reservation time as needed, or contact CS for more options.
Error: "Resource type [Item]: maximum checkout/reservation length is [Length]"
Solution: The duration of your reservation exceeds the maximum allowed reservation time of the listed equipment. Reduce the duration to equal or less than this limit.
Error: "Resource count limit: Checkout Center resource count "
Solution: The number of items in your reservation exceeds the maximum allowed reservation amount. Reduce the item count to less than this limit, or contact CS for more options.
For detailed instructions, please see the WebCheckout Documentation Guide. If you have any questions or experience any issues with this form please contact ITS-CS by phone or by Email.
Location: 206 Murchie Science Building
Hours: go.umflint.edu/hours
Phone#: (810)-762-3123
Email: flint.its.support@umich.edu