Configuring the Emergency Alert System in SIS

The Emergency Alert System is a system setup by the university to inform the campus community of immediate dangers, emergencies on campus, and closures due to weather or power outages. To utilize this system, you must register your phone numbers through SIS. It is strongly encouraged that all students sign-up for the Emergency Alert System.

Intended Audience

This article is for the benefit of students. Faculty and staff can use this article to instruct students, but faculty and staff must setup emergency alerts through Wolverine Access, not SIS, which this article does not cover.


You must be a currently registered student in order to update the Emergency Alert System in SIS.

Configuring the Emergency Alert System

  1. Please navigate to SIS or click the following link:
  2. Log-in with your uniqname and current password.
  3. Click Personal Information.
  4. Click Sign Up for UM-Flint Emergency Alerts.
  5. In the newly opened tab, navigate down to the Emergency Alert System section and click Sign-Up for the Emergency Alert System
  6. For information regarding alerts please refer to this article:
  7. The following options are available for enrolled lines:
    • Add Number – Allows you to add a new number to the specified category.
    • Test - Sends a test notification to the specified category
    • Edit – Allows you to edit a number that is already in the system for that category.
    • Delete – Allows you to delete the specified number. Only delete the number if you wish to not receive the alerts at the specified number.
  8. When a number is entered, be sure to click Save.


You will continue to receive alerts up until 14 days after your affiliation with the university has ended. After those 14 days have concluded, your emergency alert information will be automatically deleted.  If you need assistance setting up your emergency alerts, please visit or contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.


Location: 206 Murchie Science Building


Phone: (810) 762-3123


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Article ID: 6013
Tue 7/20/21 3:07 PM
Thu 2/9/23 12:09 PM