Intended Audience
This article is intended for current faculty, staff, and students who would like to utilize the ITS Helpdesk Support Center to create, view, update, or resolve tickets.
To follow this article you will need to have a current affiliation with the University and have access to your campus computing account.
Creating, Viewing, Updating, or Resolving a Ticket
Accessing My Tickets:
- Navigate to My Requests
- Login using your uniqname and current password.
- You may be redirected to the Sign-In to TeamDynamix page with Client Portal in the center.
- Click Client Portal

- Click My Requests
- You will now see all of the tickets that you are listed as the contact on.

To Create a New Ticket:
- Navigating to the Flint-ITS - General Support Ticket form:
- Option 1:
- Navigate to ITS Support Portal
- Click Quick Ticket on the left-hand side.

- Login using your uniqname and current password.
- Option 2:
- Navigate to Campus Services
- Click on the Service that best fits your needs.
- Click Request Service on the right-hand side

- Then fill out all required and applicable fields.
- Click Request when you have finished.
- You will now receive a confirmation on the screen that your request has been submitted. You will also receive an email confirmation shortly thereafter containing your ticket number for future reference.
To View, Update, or Resolve a Ticket through the Support Center:
- To View a Ticket:
- From the My Requests page, click the title of the ticket you would like to view.
- You will now be able to view the Ticket ID, Status, Submission Date, Date of the Last Reply, and any interactions and notes on the case.

- To Update a Ticket:
- Once on the ticket details page, you can click on Comment.
- Clicking Comment will open a notify and comment field.

- Here you can notify anyone involved in the ticket and leave any comments or questions you would like.
- Click the Save button in order to submit this information and have the ticket updated.
- If you would like to add an attachment you can click the Add Attachment button, slightly under the ticket title
- It will then open a new window prompting you to select the location of your attachment.
- Follow the on-screen prompts for your selection and click Upload when completed.
- To Resolve a Ticket:
- Once in the ticket details of the ticket, you wish to resolve, click the Comment button
- This is found towards the bottom of the page underneath the description.
- You can then leave a comment in the Comment section requesting that the case be marked resolved.
- Shortly after you save this comment a technician will resolve the case.
Example Emails Sent By TeamDynamix
Customer Acknowledgment Email:

Ticket Update Email:

Ticket Resolved Email:

If you have any questions or experience any issues with this article, please visit or contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.
Location: 206 Murchie Science Building
Phone: (810) 762-3123