Printing Batch Prerequisite Check Report from Banner

The Batch Prerequisite Check Report is a Banner report that allows you to check if a student has completed or is at least enrolled in the required pre-requisite course(s) before enrolling in a course that requires them.

Intended Audience:

This article is intended for any faculty or staff members looking to know more about Batch Prerequisite Check Reports in Banner.


To follow this article, you will need to have a Banner ID and DUO Authentication for Banner access. To obtain a Banner ID and DUO, please refer to the article What is Banner?

What Access is Needed?

You will need access to SZRPREQ in Banner. If you find that you do not have access to this when completing the steps below please fill out the Banner and SIS Access Request Form for Additional Banner Access located here:

Run Batch Prerequisite Check Report:

This report should be run after early registration periods and again after grades have been posted for a semester to determine if students are registered or wait-listed in an upcoming course without meeting the prerequisite(s).

Caution: Do not run this report during the grade submission period!

  1. Open your Web browser
  2. Go to
  3. Login using your uniqname and current password
  4. In the Search Field type SZRPREQ and press Enter
  5. When the "Process Submission Control" page opens, press <Alt> + <Page Down> or click Go so that your cursor is positioned in the Printer: field
  6. Type the printer name or double-click in the Printer: field and select a printer from the list
  7. Press <Alt> + <Page Down>
  8. Press Tab to get to the Values field, then enter the parameter values as shown below
    • Term: enter the code for the term (I.E. 201910 for Fall 2018), then press the <Down Arrow> key
    • Subject: Enter the code for the course subject (I.E. CSC)
      • Note: The subject code needs to be in ALL CAPS
      • If you wish to check more than one subject at a time:
        • After entering the first Subject, click Copy on the parameter values bar, press Tab to place your cursor in the Subject Values field, and type over the code with the next subject code. Repeat this process until all desired subjects are added.
  9. When finished entering the parameters, press <Alt> + <Page Down>
  10. Click Save
    • You should see a message in the notification window that lists the job number (Ex. 4250688). Be sure to record this job number, as this indicates that your job is submitted and is running
  11. Click X to close the page.
    • Your report will print to the selected printer when completed and could take up to 20-30 minutes

This report will list the course section and then each student (ID, name, and course registration status) who does not meet the required prerequisites. After the student name, the prerequisites are listed line by line with a “met” or “not met” indicator. You should review the report to determine if a student should be allowed to remain registered or wait-listed for the course.

  • If you choose to allow the student to remain in the course, you must issue a PREREQ override for that student. If you do not issue this override, the next time the student adjusts his/her schedule the course will be automatically dropped.
  • If you want the student removed from the course, you must notify the Registrar’s Office in writing or by email. A notice will be mailed to the student that they have been dropped due to unmet prerequisites. Students may be administratively dropped only until the add deadline in a term.

Additional Resources

For a more detailed look at Banner please refer to the Banner 9 Manual.


If you have any questions or experience any issues with this article, please visit or contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.


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Phone: (810) 762-3123


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Article ID: 5968
Fri 7/16/21 1:55 PM
Thu 8/26/21 2:59 PM