DART - Educational Involvements


A “educational involvement” or simply an “involvement” is a way to track student activities, clubs, organizations, and programs that an alumni participated in when they were a student at the University of Michigan. This section of DART tells users what activities students participated outside of the classroom. Individual units are responsible for supplying this information to DART (see below). Involvement examples include the LSA Biological Station, Pi Beta Phi, Development Summer Internship Pro


What is an “Educational Involvement”? 

A “educational involvement” or simply an “involvement” is a way to track student activities, clubs, organizations, and programs that an alumni participated in when they were a student at the University of Michigan. This section of DART tells users what activities students participated outside of the classroom. Individual units are responsible for supplying this information to DART (see below). Involvement examples include the LSA Biological Station, Pi Beta Phi, Development Summer Internship Program (D-SIP), Solar Car Team, publications, Club-Rowing-Men’s, Michigan Marching Band, Student Affairs Committee, publications, student employee, specific dorm they lived at (if applicable), etc. 

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What does each field mean? 

Involvement Type – group involvements in broader category types. i.e. LSA Honors Program Graduate, DSA (Department of Student Affairs) X, Athletics, Fraternity/Sorority, Health & Wellness, Internships, Governance, Student Employee, Student Philanthropy, University Housing, etc.

Involvement Name – specifies specific involvement. i.e. LSA Biological Station, Pi Beta Phi, Development Summer Internship Program (D-SIP), Solar Car Team, publications, Club-Rowing-Men’s, Michigan Marching Band, Student Affairs Committee, publications, student employee, specific dorm they lived at (if applicable), etc. 

Involvement Start/End Date – typically follows the various term start and end dates if populated, but this can be yearly or left blank (recommended to not leave blank)

Fall Term: 9/1 - 12/31 

Winter Term: 1/1 - 4/30

Spring/Summer Term: 5/1 - 8/31

Involvement Position – student org position if applicable (i.e. sorority president)

Involvement Site - this is how DART links a specific involvement to a specific fundraising unit (e.g. LSA)


How do I find my unit’s educational involvements? 

There are many reports that can be used to find involvements: 

Involvement Finder dashboard

  • This dashboard looks at all educational involvements by SCU with information on how many involvement records are in DART

MProfile - Individuals with Student Involvement

  • This report will pull all active individuals with a specific educational involvement in MProfile style.

Educational Involvement Summary and Constituent Details

  • This report will display a summary of the number of constituents with a specific educational involvement code and will provide an overview of the constituents.


How do I add new educational involvements to DART?


If a new code value needs to be added to DART, please contact the Integrated Data Services team here. If the DART code value already exists, and you need to add it to DART constituent records, see below. 

If you are a DART Self-Service User, add directly to DART records.

To update 20 or fewer DART records, please contact the Gift and Records team.

  • You will need to provide all pieces of information.

To update 20+ DART records, please contact the Data Management team

  • You will need to fill out their template which can also be found on their service page linked above. 





Article ID: 11565
Wed 1/31/24 12:06 PM
Fri 11/15/24 7:19 AM

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