Tableau - Adding UM Colors and Shapes to Tableau

Adding UM Colors and Shapes to Tableau

What does it do?

This guide will help you to add UM colors and shapes to Tableau to be used in your Tableau dahsboards.

Why is this done?

Adding UM colors and shapes will allow you to create a more standardized "University of Michigan" look to your dashboards and also provide shapes that users may find useful/user-friendly in your dashboards.

How is this done?

  • Download the following files from this article:
    • Tableau Custom Colors.txt
    • 264745.png
    • Cash.png
    • Filter.png
    • GoogleSheet.jpg
    • GrayProduction.png
    • Lifetime.png
    • Production.png
    • Question mark.png
    • Tableau_help_hyperlink.jpg

Adding Colors

  • Download the file: "Tableau Custom Colors.txt" from this article and open the file.
  • Copy all text from "<preferences>" to "</preferences>"
  • Navigate to "My Tableau Repository" in your "Documents" folder (C:\users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Tableau Repository).
  • In a Notepad document, File/Open the document: "Preferences.tps" in your "My Tableau Repository"
    • Note: You will need to change the file search format to be "All Files"
  • Paste the code you copied into the Notepad between "<workbook>" and "</workbook>"
  • Save the file and close your Notepad.

Adding Shapes

  • Create a blank folder on your desktop called: "Custom Shapes."
  • Download all png and jpg files in this article (9 in total) and place them in this newly created folder 
  • Travel to your "My Tableau Repository" in your "Documents" folder (C:\users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Tableau Repository).
  • Go to the "Shapes" folder.
  • Paste/move the newly created "Custom Shapes" folder in the "Shapes" folder.
  • You may need to restart Tableau (if open) in order to see the new shapes and colors.