Constituent Report - Constituents by Constituent Affiliation with AffiliationSystemID

Where is it?

Link to Report:

BusinessObjects Folder Path: Public Folders/UM-Maintained/Development/DART Development Reports by Category/Constituent Reports/

​​​​​What does it do?

This report is designed to pull all constituents and their AffiliationSystemIDs given a user-specified Constituent Affiliation. Users have the option to restrict results based on Constituent Affiliation Category, Comment, Site Name, Site ID, VP Rollup, Campus Rollup, SCU Rollup, End Date, and/or Start Date.

Keywords: Constituent, Affiliation, SystemID, SCU

Why use this report?

Use this report if you need to retrieve constituent information (i.e. LookupIDs, Spouse, Major Gift Region, Primary Metro Area, etc.) based on their Constituent Affiliation and need to finely tailor the results (by querying for Affiliation Category/Comment/Site Name/Campus/etc.).

E.g. Retrieve all constituent information for those affiliated with the ISR Survey Research Center since 01/01/2020

How to use this report?


Please refer to this article for more information on scheduling reports: https//

Running the Report Directly

Please refer to this video tutorial for a visual walkthrough of running the report:

Click the highlighted icon to bring up the user prompts.

If the report is taking too long to run, schedule the report (see above).


You then need to set the prompts. (Prompts act as questions that help you to customize the information in a report to suit your own needs!)

Below are the available prompts (with explanation) —

Affiliation Information

Answer the following prompt to restrict display based on selected Constituent Affiliation Information

  • Enter Values for Constituent Affiliation Name (Required)

    • Allows users to select one or more Constituent Affiliation Names

    • E.g., CEW Newsletter Email, Alumni Club Donor

  • Enter Values for Constituent Affiliation Category (Optional)

    • Allows users to select one or more Constituent Affiliation Categories

    • E.g., Athletics, Art

  • Enter Pattern for Affiliation Comment (Optional)

    • Allows users to specify text within the Constituent Affiliation Comments

    • E.g., %Friend%

  • Enter Values for Constituent Affiliation Site Name (Optional)

    • Allows users to select one or more Constituent Affiliation Site Short Names

    • E.g., Alumni Association, Center for Academic Innovation

  • Enter Values for Constituent Affiliation Site ID (Optional)

    • Allows users to select one or more Constituent Affiliation MPathways DeptIDs

  • Enter Values for Constituent Affiliation VP Rollup (Optional)

    • Allows users to select one or more Constituent Affiliation VP Rollups

    • E.g., VP for Development, Office of the President

  • Enter Values for Constituent Affiliation Campus Rollup (Optional)

    • Allows users to select one or more Constituent Affiliation Campus Rollups

    • E.g., Univ of Michigan-Ann-Arbor, Univ of Michigan-Dearborn

  • Enter Values for Constituent Affiliation SCU Rollup (Optional)

    • Allows users to select one or more Constituent Affiliation SCU Rollups

    • E.g., Alumni Association, School of Information

  • Enter On or After for Affiliation End Date (<=) (Optional)

    • Allows users to enter or select an Affiliation End Date

    • The date entered will include all affiliations that end either on or after the specified date. NOTE: Business Objects will not prevent you from typing an incorrect date. Double check your input or elect to use the calendar to the right of the text input area. 

    • NOTE: While some dates (such as graduation dates) are standardized, involvement dates are not. Any date (as long as it is a real date and formatted correctly) should work.

    • E.g., 1/1/2021 or 01/01/2021

  • Enter Minimus Affiliation Start Date (>=) (Optional)

    • Allows users to enter or select an Affiliation Start Date

    • The date entered will include all affiliations that start either on or after the specified date. NOTE: Business Objects will not prevent you from typing an incorrect date. Double check your input or elect to use the calendar to the right of the text input area.

    • NOTE: While some dates (such as graduation dates) are standardized, involvement dates are not. Any date (as long as it is a real date and formatted correctly) should work.

    • E.g., 1/1/2021 or 01/01/2021


Report Tabs

There are 3 report tabs:

  • Results

    • Displays list of Constituents with user specified affiliations, as well as Constituents’ full names, Regent’s Hierarchical Constituency, Degrees, Primary Metro Area, Major Gift Region, Affiliation Start/End Dates, etc.

  • Summary by SCU

    • Displays counts of Constituents for each Affiliation Name based on site rollup (SCU)

  • Batch Update Template

    • A condensed version of the Results Tab (does not contain Spouse Information, Regent’s Hierarchical Constituency, Degrees, Primary Metro Area, or Major Gift Region)