Excel MProfile- Donors V4M Giving

Where is it?

Link to Report: https://businessintelligence.dsc.umich.edu/BOE/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?sIDType=CUID&iDocID=Ad_EmeQ5OfBMl_LO8hRwmR0

BusinessObjects Folder Path: Public Folders/UM-Maintained/Development/DART Development Reports by Category/Constituent MProfile 9.0/

What does it do?


MProfiles show the Lifetime Recognition Total and campaign totals for constituents meeting the user-supplied criteria.

This Report

This report is designed to pull a list of all constituents based on their V4M Recognition Giving Total. Users can specify to evaluate based on giving to the University, SCU Rollup, VP Area Rollup, Campus Rollups, MPathways DeptID, Site Name, Designation, Purpose Category, and Purpose Name. Users can also specify a starting Fiscal Year for calculations. Leaving the starting FY prompt blank will result in lifetime giving totals.


This version of the report is specifically designed to be used with the BusinessObjects Scheduler to run and save as an Excel file. More info below.


MProfile Donors V4M Giving Victors Michigan

Why use this report?

Use it if you want to find constituents based on their donations to the Victors for Michigan (V4M) campaign.

How to use this report?


Please refer to this article for more information on scheduling reports: https//teamdynamix.umich.edu/TDClient/83/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=7265

Running the Report Directly

Click the highlighted icon to bring up the user prompts.

If the report is taking too long to run, schedule the report (see above).


You then need to set the prompts. (Prompts act as questions that help you to customize the information in a report to suit your own needs!)

Below are the available prompts (with explanation) —

  • Select Constituency Type or Types

    • Allows user to select one or more types of Constituency Hierarchy types  to include.

    • E.g., Alumni, Parents, Non- Alum, Corp and Corp Foundation, Professional Foundation, etc.

  • Enter 'Yes' to include only Active Donors

    • Entering ‘Yes’ will include only donors flagged as Active

    • Leaving it blank will include Active, Inactive, AND Deceased donors

  • Enter Minimum Recognition Amount (Required)

    • Allows user to enter a minimum total amount donors must have given to UM (or any areas selected below) in order to be included in report

    • E.g., inputting “200000” will display donors who have given at least 200k total.

Giving Information

Answer one or more of the following prompts to be displayed. Giving will be totaled based on all prompts answered. Leave blank if site giving is not required.

  • Select School or College (SCU)

    • SCU = School, College, or Unit; all of the parts of the Development community that OUD provides support to; most divisions of UM have their own Development shop

    • E.g., Law School, School of Information, College of Engineering

  • Select VP Area Rollup

  • Select Campus Rollup

    • Allows user to select a Campus

    • E.g. University of Michigan-Dearborn

Unit Campaign Giving

Answer to include campaign totals to a specific unit campaign.

  • Select Unit Campaign Name

    • E.g., Law School - Victors for Michigan

Specific Communication Codes

NOTE: Codes are displayed on Excel Output tab, Individuals with codes are not excluded!

  • Select SCU Specific Communication Preference Codes

    • You may select one or more Communication Preference(s) specific to their SCU to include in the report

    • E.g., No Contact - Alumni Association

Report Tabs

There are 4 different report tabs:

  • Condensed Excel Output

    • Streamlined version with less details and only totals for Lifetime, Campaign, Section1, and Section1 Campaign are shown.

  • Expanded Excel Output

    • Facilitates export to Excel.

    • A constituent's information is contained on a single row. 

    • Contains Giving and Rating information

    • Does NOT contain children/step children, nor top areas of interest.

  • Excel UM by FY

    • Facilitates export to Excel.

    • Shows University wide recognition totals for Commitments and Expectancies Due

    • Also shows Gift Payments Received by Fiscal Year for the current and 9 prior fiscal years.

  • Excel Sec1 by FY

    • Facilitates export to Excel.

    • Shows for Section Selected recognition totals for Commitments and Expectancies Due

    • Also shows Gift Payments Received by Fiscal Year for the current and 9 prior fiscal years.