How do I use the Redirection plugin to set up automatic page redirects for my site?


Please contact and state your request to have Redirection activated on your site. Once CAEN has activated Redirection, then the site admin can set up Redirects using the Redirection tool.

  1. To begin, go to the Dashboard for your site.
  2. From the Dashboard go to Tools, then Redirection:

tools section of menu

  1. At the bottom of the page, you will see an  Add new redirection section.
  2. To add a redirect from a page on your site enter:
    • Source URL: Enter the relative URL of the page you would like to redirect from
    • Query Parameters: A set of parameters attached to the end of a url. More info here:
    • Target URL: The URL of the page you would like to redirect to (i.e. the page you would like visitors of your site to see). While SOURCE URL can ONLY be a URL with the root of the site’s URL, the TARGET URL can be any link internal or external to the site.
    • Group: Make sure to choose Redirections from the drop-down menu, e.g.:

add new redirection form

  1. Click the Add Redirect button when complete, and test the Source URL to ensure it works

See the Redirection plugin documentation for more information.



Article ID: 5417
Wed 5/5/21 11:06 AM
Tue 7/18/23 10:44 AM