What's the best way to display a video on my WordPress website or utilize a video block?

The best way to display a video on your website is to embed it using an Embed block. First edit the page you wish to display the video on. Add a new block to the page in the desired location. Search for and click on the Embed block in the block menu:

embed in block search bar

Enter the URL of the video you want to embed and click the blue Embed button on the right:

embed url

Alternatively, if you wish to display a youtube video on your site, a YouTube block can be used instead. Add a new block to the page in the desired location. Search for and click on the YouTube block in the block menu:

youtube in block search bar

Enter the URL of the youtube video you want to embed and click the blue Embed button on the right:

youtube embed block

If you’d like the video to be somewhere other than the body of your page, or to be available on multiple pages, you can display a video using a thumbnail in a Freeform widget:

example freeform widget

When the thumbnail is clicked, the video will then "pop up" in a box over the page:

example of video pop-up

To do this, first contact CAEN to request activation of the WP Video Lightbox plugin. Once this has been done, you may create the Freeform widget and paste in the following code (replacing the bolded portions with your video's information):

<div class="widget-lightbox-video">

<p class="widget-lightbox-video-caption">Video Title Here</p>

</div><a href="Video URL Here" rel="wp-video-lightbox" title="Video Description Here">

<img src="Preview Image URL Here" class="widget-lightbox-video-image"

alt="Video Title Here" /></a>

To create a preview image, upload a 200px by 160px image file that you want to use as a preview, and copy the File URL. Insert that where “Preview Image URL Here is above.

If you choose to give the video an additional title to display when viewing, replace the “Video Title Here” text.