Log in to your WordPress site to access the dashboard. In the left sidebar menu, click MetaSlider.

In the menu at the top of the page, click the + New symbol to add a new slideshow.

Enter a descriptive name for your new slideshow by replacing “New Slideshow” in the textbox under the menu bar at the top of the page.

Adding Slides
To begin adding slides, click the + Add Slide symbol in the menu bar at the top of the page.

Select an existing image from the Media Library, or click Upload Files to upload a new image. Click the blue Add to Slider button. Images used in the Meta Slider should be quite large, and all images in the slider should be the same dimensions, width and height, as each other.
To add a caption to be displayed over an image in a slideshow, after it has been added to the slideshow, locate its slide. Click the General tab. There are three options for setting a caption: using the caption from the media library, using the description from the media library, or manually entering a caption. A url link that opens when the image is clicked can also be added in the General tab.

To add a title or alternative text to an image in a slideshow, click the SEO tab.

Repeat these steps until all desired slides have been added to your slideshow.
Removing Slides
To remove a slide from a slideshow, click the X symbol at the top right of the slide.

Configuring the MetaSlider
On the right side of the screen, there is an area with various settings for the MetaSlider.
Select the type of slider you would like to use and enter the dimensions you would like the images in the slideshow to be displayed on the page. It may take some trial and error before you get the exact dimensions that look best for your site. Choose a slide effect and desired navigation settings.

In the next menu, to choose a custom theme for your MetaSlider, click on Select a custom theme.

In the window that pops up, select the desired theme.

Expand the Advanced Settings menu by clicking the drop-down arrow on the right to configure some more settings for your slideshow. CAEN recommends that you configure your slideshow to match the screenshot below.

Click the Save button at the top of the page to save your changes.

Adding the MetaSlider to the top of a page on your site
In the left sidebar menu, go to Appearance >> Widgets.

In the Slider widget area, click the + symbol and search for MetaSlider in the block menu.

Select the desired slideshow in the dropdown menu by clicking the dropdown arrow on the right.

Click the blue Update button in the menu bar at the top of the page to save your changes.

Adding the MetaSlider to within the body of a page
In the left sidebar menu, go to Pages >> All Pages. Edit the page that you would like to insert the MetaSlider on.

Add a new block to the page in the desired location. Search for and click the MetaSlider block.

Select the desired slideshow from the dropdown menu by clicking on the dropdown arrow on the right.

Click the blue Update button on the right of the menu at the top of the page to save the changes to the page.